Advancing Veteran and public health
through innovative research
Sent by Michael Hindery, PAVIR CEO, 3/10/2020 3:43pm

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing regarding PAVIR’s response to and plans for the COVID-19 situation. I intend that this email is going to all PAVIR employees and PIs, yet I ask PIs to share this email with their staff to ensure that everyone is informed.

Following guidance from the Santa Clara County Department of Public Health, the CDC, and VAPAHCS, PAVIR is strongly encouraging telecommuting effective March 12, 2020 and extending until further notice. As a result, PAVIR employees can telecommute full-time; employees remain responsible for fulfilling their work roles and responsibilities during this time of telecommuting. Operations and activities will remain as usual, although performed remotely. Employees telecommuting during this period and fulfilling their work responsibilities will receive their standard pay.

In addition to implementing telecommuting, PAVIR is suspending all non-essential travel until further notice. PAVIR employees should not travel using PAVIR-managed funds during this time.

The VMU will continue to operate according to standard practices to ensure animal health and safety.

We recognize that research labs have essential activities that must be performed and that telecommuting may not meet their needs. It is understood PIs who are responsible for research labs will manage who can or cannot telecommute in their labs.

The PAVIR core office – Contracts & Grants, Accounting & Finance, HR, Purchasing, IT – will continue to serve and meet your needs while telecommuting. Please continue to submit travel reimbursements or check requests to and purchasing requisitions through ReQlogic. Our staff can be reached through their PAVIR email accounts. The PAVIR staff directory can be found at

PAVIR needs to know who is telecommuting during this period. We ask that PIs or their lab managers compile a list of those telecommuting and submit it, with updates as needed, to Lisa Clark, HR Director, at

I ask that all PIs communicate these changes with their staff and discuss the PI’s expectations for continuing to perform work while telecommuting.

The situation is dynamic and evolving daily. We will all need to adapt to changes until further notice. We will all need to communicate clearly and directly. I ask that we all bring to this situation the patience, understanding, collaboration and cooperation that it requires.

Strategies for individual and public health for COVID-19 are identical as those for the flu and colds: wash your hands regularly; stay home from work if you have a fever, the flu or a cold or their symptoms; and respect social distancing.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. My office # is 650-849-0578 and my mobile # is 650-740-0004.


Last Modified: March 27, 2020 1:41pm
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