Advancing Veteran and public health
through innovative research

The History of the Palo Alto Veterans Institute for Research

In 1988 Congress passed Public Law 100-322 (now codified at section 7361-66 of title 38, United States Code) that allowed Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers to establish nonprofit research corporations (NPCs), forming a unique public/private partnership that dramatically broadened VA’s ability to benefit from private and non-VA public support for research conducted at VA medical centers.

The Palo Alto Veterans Institute for Research (PAVIR) is one of over 75 active NPCs that exist due to Title 38 legislation.

PAVIR was incorporated in the State of California on November 30, 1988, and is an independent 501(c)(3) tax exempt corporation.  PAVIR may exercise all rights and powers conferred on nonprofit public benefit corporations under the laws of the state of California.

PAVIR is located on-site at the VA Palo Alto Health Care System (VAPAHCS), and we only support research and education activities approved by the VAPAHCS.  Learn more about VAPAHCS.

Initially, PAVIR was incorporated under the name of the Palo Alto Institute for Research and Education (PAIRE).  Early on, the institute administered foundation grants, industry sponsored clinical trials, and a few federal awards. The administration of those initial federal awards created the building blocks for a scalable federal grant administration infrastructure.  In 2006, PAIRE entered into an agreement with Stanford University that PAIRE would administer all Federal awards when more than 50% of the anticipated project expenses are expended in VAPAHCS space.

The institute changed its name to Palo Alto Veterans Institute for Research in 2014.

Last Modified: October 28, 2024 11:00am
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