Advancing Veteran and public health
through innovative research

Purchasing FAQ

  • How can I obtain supplies and equipment?

    The way to order supplies and equipment is through ReQlogic, PAVIR’s electronic purchase order requisition system.  Contact Purchasing to obtain a ReQlogic login ID and to learn how to use this system.

    Your requisition will be reviewed and approved and your order placed within two business days, or you will be notified of any delays.

  • How do I get reimbursed if I used personal funds to purchase research supplies?

    To ensure pre-negotiated product pricing and to avoid unallowable (i.e., non-reimbursable) expenditures, PAVIR does not encourage reimbursement check requests for research supplies.  You are strongly encouraged to use the Purchase Requisition form.  In the rare instances wherein you find it necessary to purchase research supplies with your personal funds, submit a completed Check Request form with original receipts to the PAVIR office for review and approval.

  • How can I designate a staff member to order supplies for my study?

    In order to approve expenditures charged to a PI’s account(s) there must be a Delegation of Authority for PAVIR Accounts (DAPA) for anyone other than the PI whose three letter PI code is in the PAVIR Account.  DAPA requests are submitted and managed on RDIS.   Signature stamps are not acceptable.

  • How do I order a computer through PAVIR?

    Complete a purchase requisition via ReQlogic and include a Request for Electronic Devices form.

    To ensure compliance with VA and Stanford policies regarding their use or connection to the networks, we strongly encourage that all computers and computer-related purchases be purchased via a PAVIR requisition.  If you purchase a computer yourself and then seek reimbursement, your reimbursement request may be denied.

  • I ordered a computer through PAVIR. Will it be delivered directly to my office?

    All deliveries of computers will be made to PAVIR Purchasing where they will be tagged and documented in accordance with relevant PAVIR and VA policies prior to delivery to the end user.  All laptops purchased by PAVIR, except those to be connected to the VA network, will be encrypted prior to delivery to the end user.  End users intending to connect to the VA network must submit a work order and drop off their computer in order to have the proper software installed.

  • I have old PAVIR-purchased equipment that I am not using. What should I do with it?

    Please look for all identifiable information affixed to the equipment and list it on the associated form.  Purchasing staff will:

    • Work with PAVIR Accounting to remove the item from your PAVIR inventory list
    • For devices or equipment storing data, coordinate to ensure that all data is removed
    • Submit a VA work order for pickup
  • How do I return an item purchased by PAVIR to a vendor?

    Contact for instructions regarding the return of items purchased through PAVIR.

  • Does PAVIR pay Sales Tax or Use Tax to the State of California?

    Yes, PAVIR pays Sales Tax (or if not paid on the invoice, Use Tax) on all purchases of goods, even if the vendor is out of state and even if the vendor has not charged it on their invoice.

Last Modified: April 10, 2024 6:14pm
NAVREF 2024-2025 Membership