Advancing Veteran and public health
through innovative research

PAVIR Employment of VA-Paid Employees

I.                 PURPOSE: To define the terms under which VA-paid employees may be concurrent employees of PAVIR.

II.                 POLICY:  It is the policy of PAVIR that employees may hold concurrent employment with PAVIR and the VA only under certain conditions.  Further, for such duly appointed employees who are Principal Investigators or Co-Investigators there must be an executed Memorandum of Understanding for the appointment.  For all affected employees there must be timesheets for both VA and PAVIR to document that there is no overlap in time worked for either organization.  No Stanford faculty member in the UTL, MCL, Research Line or Clinician Educator Line may be a PAVIR employee; any exception requires the written approval of the Chief Executive Officer.

III.                PROCEDURES: The following requirements define the procedures for PAVIR employment of VA-paid employees:

  1. Certification of Requirements for Dual Appointment - Prior to appointment of any VA employee as a PAVIR employee the Principal Investigator and prospective employee must meet with the Chief Executive Officer to review prohibitions against federal salary supplementation and dual compensation, to discuss the distinctions between current VA and proposed PAVIR employment, and to assure there is no overlap in time worked.  Documentation of this discussion will be obtained through an executed Certification Regarding PAVIR Employment.
  2. All PAVIR employees must hold VA Without Compensation appointments, irrespective of or in addition to status as a VA-paid employee.
  3. Timesheets must be submitted for all PAVIR time worked.
Last Modified: October 29, 2024 4:12pm
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