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It’s that time of year when activities start to transition again, and the hustle is no less intense.  And so it goes with PAVIR as you will read below.  Yet, springing into summer positively conjures images of vibrant growth, warmth, and excitement (I’m excited about being warm).  It’s a time of renewed energy, outdoor adventures, and the promise of long, sunny days ahead.  As we transition seasons, PAVIR embraces our role to facilitate growth, education, and development within our research community more than ever.  Already in motion are many activities that you will see the fruits of in the coming months.  In the meantime, we wish you a healthy transition to summer as you execute your innovative ideas as well as plenty of time for refreshing and relaxation.

PAVIR's 35th Anniversary
Opportunity Funds

Deadline |Wednesday| May 15, 2024

PAVIR continues to celebrate its 35th Anniversary with our broadest opportunity fund yet.  This time: 
  1. PIs are invited to submit bid and proposal applications and
  2. PIs and PAVIR employees are invited to submit infrastructure requests up to a maximum of $3,000 each. 
Total funding available is $150,000. 

In the fall, we proudly supported five PI pilot projects and five PAVIR employees in ways that advance what they do at VA Palo Alto day-to-day.  Here's what two PAVIR employees shared about their recent experiences.
From awardee Dachuan Dong (Maltzman lab): I'm grateful for this opportunity and the support from PAVIR.  My key learnings from the American Association of Immunologists 2024 [meeting] encompass gaining insights into current trends and recent developments across various fields, networking with peers and experts, and identifying potential collaborators and applications to enrich our ongoing projects.
From awardee Edrick Masangkay (Nallamshetty lab): I came away from the [Advancing Health Equity in Healthcare and Beyond] conference with a better appreciation of how social determinants of health (SDoH) and equity issues are an integral part of health care and a renewed determination to leverage solutions to SDoH issues to improve the health of our Veterans.
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We're Growing to Serve You
Thanks to your patience during lean C&G staffing and a robust recruitment effort by the PAVIR team, we are pleased to introduce you to Leila Kirkpatrick, our new Contract and Grant Manager.  She is a seasoned research administrator with over a decade of experience in pre-award, post-award, and research compliance.  Prior to joining PAVIR, Leila worked as a Research Manager at the University of Washington’s School of Pharmacy and as the Administrative Officer for VA Puget Sound’s Rehabilitation Research and Development. In that role, she spearheaded and coordinated a number of activities including working with the various R&DC committees to ensure compliance for all research.
Leila holds a Bachelor’s degree from UC Berkeley and a Master’s degree in Public Health from Tufts University School of Medicine.  If that wasn't enough, she is classically trained in voice and harp and has traveled to five out of the seven continents!  Leila telecommutes from Bainbridge Island, Washington and you can reach her via e-mail at or by phone at (650) 239-2802.
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Calling All Clinical Researchers!
As a longstanding member of the National Association of Veterans’ Research and Education Foundations (NAVREF), PAVIR receives membership to the Society for Clinical Research Sites (SCRS) which we can now extend to you.  

SCRS serves as an advocate for clinical research sites by engaging in collaborations to enhance the partnerships between research sites and industry stakeholders.  It also provides education and mentoring opportunities for its members.  SCRS represents more than 11,000+ research sites in 54 countries.  Some of its many membership benefits include:
  • Opportunities to connect with other sites that share the same therapeutic areas of clinical research
  • Oncology educational resources aimed to improve patient access to cancer trials, promote diversity, and offer virtual training for in-demand skills
  • Regularly scheduled training webinars on a variety of topics geared towards the management and oversight of clinical trials
  • An online discussion group comprised of your peers, allowing for open and candid discussions to seek advice, ideas, and new solutions
To learn more about SCRS and what it can offer clinical research sites, please see
To obtain SCRS membership through PAVIR, please contact Calvert Lee
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Did You Know?
Changes in the OMB Uniform Guidance that will affect your grants
Effective October 1, 2024
  • Equipment threshold increase from $5K to $10K
  • Indirect costs may be collected on the first $50K of subawards (up from $25K)
  • Fixed amount subawards – the threshold for issuance without prior approval increases from $250K to $500K
  • De Minimis F&A rate for entities that have never had a rate increases from 10% to 15%
More information detailing how each of these will affect your federal grants will be forthcoming. Please reach out to your assigned CGA if you have specific questions.
Cleland-Dohl Act
(Outside Compensation Section 209)

 formerly known as "VIPER"
In 2022, the Joseph Maxwell Cleland and Robert Joseph Dole Memorial Veterans Benefits and Health Care Improvement Act of 2022 (Cleland-Dole Act) § 182, codified at 38 U.S. C. § 7382(b), was passed.  This statute allows, under limited circumstances, a VA employee who has a compensated VA appointment to be directly paid by an Affiliate or VA NPC (outside compensation) for performance of VA research.  An approval memo from the Medical Center Director is required to protect you.  PAVIR works together with the VA Research Administration Office to assist you.  If you or someone you know is a VA employee and is directly paid by either PAVIR or Stanford for the performance of VA-approved research, please contact Allison Malate or speak to your assigned CGA.
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In Case You Missed It
MVP Data Usage on Non-Federal Funding Opportunities
VA investigators can now access Million Veteran Program (MVP) data for use on non-VA federal funding opportunities such as NIH and DoD.
VA investigators can now access Million Veteran Program (MVP) data for use on non-VA federal funding opportunities such as NIH and DoD.
  • This guidance applies only to new grant submissions.
  • Non-VA funding is limited to NIH R01s or equivalents from other federal agencies.
  • VA Investigators must follow the process of obtaining a Letter of Support from MVP using the Data Use Request Form prior to grant submission.
  • Non-VA funding must be administered by the local VA-NPC.
ICYMI: the Data Use Request Form as well as the guidance for requirements and the full process were e-mailed directly to investigators on February 21.

Please direct questions to Please do not send emails to individuals.

PAVIR Benefit & Policy Updates
PAVIR is happy to announce two changes in employee benefits and policies, both of which are positive enhancements for our employees! 

ICYMI: FAQs and fact sheet for both changes were distributed to PAVIR employees and supervisors on May 2. 


Effective immediately, PAVIR is amending our current policy to offer five (5) days of paid bereavement leave in the event of the death of the employee’s spouse, domestic partner, child, foster child, step-child, child in loco parentis, parent, legal guardian, sibling, grandparent, grandchild; parent-, sibling-, or child-in-law; or persons considered family even if not legally or blood-related.  An additional three days of accumulated sick leave may be used in addition to bereavement leave if needed.

The employee’s supervisor may approve additional time off if the employee requests to use their available vacation balance or take time off unpaid, however these requests will be approved by the assigned supervisor at their discretion.

Supervisors will use their best judgment in determining which situations qualify under this policy and seek help from PAVIR Human Resources at if needed.  The employee must designate bereavement leave on their timecard.  If sick, vacation and/or leave-no-pay are used to supplement paid bereavement leave, the employee will add a note to their time off request to indicate bereavement leave.  For questions regarding the process to indicate bereavement on your timecard please contact PAVIR payroll at



Effective immediately, PAVIR is offering Reproductive Loss Leave for events such as miscarriage, stillbirth, failed adoption, failed surrogacy, and unsuccessful assisted reproduction.  PAVIR will provide five days of unpaid leave for a reproductive loss event.  Though this leave is unpaid, employees may choose to use up to 5 days of vacation and/or sick time from their available balance to supplement their pay during this time.  Please contact your supervisor and to get assistance with designating your leave.


Golden State Warriors Mental Health Awareness Night
ICYMI on social media, VA Palo Alto Research spanning a broad array of mental health issues was showcased at the Chase Center in front of tens of thousands of fans!  PAVIR employees, family, and friends also enjoyed watching players warm up followed by a close game against the Chicago Bulls.  We are PAVIR-proud of all VA investigators supporting mental health awareness for Veterans and the public.
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Ensuring Workplace Safety & Employees' Well Being
PAVIR would like to highlight the importance of reporting workplace injuries and providing employees with leaves of absence when needed. Timely communication in these areas ensures we not only adhere to legal and regulatory requirements but also demonstrate our commitment to creating a safe and supportive work environment for everyone.
Workplace Injuries
It's important to recognize that injuries can occur despite our best efforts to maintain safety protocols. When they do, it's essential for employees to feel comfortable and supported in reporting them to their PI, Manager, Supervisor and PAVIR HR. This not only allows for appropriate medical attention but also enables us to identify potential hazards and take preventive measures to mitigate future incidents. We expect you to notify PAVIR HR immediately if a workplace injury occurs so steps can be taken to take action and notify Worker Compensation.
Leaves of Absence
Equally important is reporting the need for leaves of absence for employees who require time off to recover from injuries or attend to family matters. Leaves of absence are not only a legal obligation in certain situations, but again are a way in which we show our support of our employees. Providing adequate time off ensures that employees can prioritize their health and well-being without facing undue stress about their job security, benefit eligibility or financial stability. If an employee ever mentions anything that causes you to think a leave might be appropriate, please contact
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Planning Upcoming Vacation
As summer approaches, please remember to request any vacation time off with your supervisor and/or timecard approver in advance.  All vacation, as well as other leave, must be requested and approved in ADP WorkforceNow prior to timecard approval for proper payroll processing.
Upcoming PAVIR Holidays
Though Memorial Day technically occurs in the spring, it often marks the start of summer for many.  The upcoming holidays for PAVIR employees are as follows.  Full-time employees will receive holiday pay.
Monday, May 27, 2024
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Thursday, July 4, 2024
Monday, September 2, 2024
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