Benefits Open Enrollment
Mark your calendars! The PAVIR Benefits Open Enrollment period is November 1 – November 9, 2017.
Additional information will be available soon!
Delegation of Authority for PAVIR Accounts (DAPA)

PAVIR takes seriously the protection of sensitive information, assuring that before we release financial information the person to whom we’re giving it has been authorized by the PI to receive the information. We manage these delegations of authority through the RDIS online system.
Only the Principal Investigator whose three letter code leads off the account number is automatically authorized to sign on the PAVIR account or to receive financial information about the account. Others listed as Awardee, Fellow, Co-Investigator, or Multi- or Co-Principal Investigators on Grant Applications or on VA, IACUC or IRB approvals must have authority delegated to them.
In order for someone other than the PI to receive monthly statements, the person must have a current delegation and it must include either, “Monthly statements to be automatically issued to this person in addition to the PI” or alternatively, “Grant access to all financial information and authorize all transactions.” Authorities may be granted on an account by account basis, or for all present and future accounts. DAPAs may also be given to authorize requisitions and other actions.
RDIS sends out notices about upcoming expirations of DAPAs. If no action is taken the delegation will expire. Those who think they hold a current delegation should double check by following the DAPA link on their RDIS profile. A proposed delegate can initiate the delegation themselves which will be routed to their PI for approval. Principal Investigators can also initiate delegations from their own RDIS profile.
Questions about DAPAs may be addressed to your PAVIR Contract & Grant Analyst or to Mary Thornton, Director of IT.
Timecard Approval
This is a reminder that PAVIR no longer requires timecard approval for exempt/salaried employees. This means that timecards for these employees do not have to be approved by either the employee or the timecard approver.
However, exempt/salaried employees must submit their TIme Off Requests prior to or as soon as the time off is taken and Time Off Request must be approved by their timecard approver in ADP. Once the Time Off Request has been submitted by the employee, the timecard approver will receive an email reminder to approve the pending Time Off Request if it has not been approved by the end of the pay period. As always, contact the Payroll department at with questions you may have.
Important Updates to PAVIR Policies
The PAVIR Board of Directors approved changes to the following three policies.
The major changes are discussed below.
Acceptance of Funds and Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Cost Rates
Grant proposals to non-Federal funders often come with limited allowable indirect cost (IDC) rates, but are usually labor intensive for the entire period from proposal submission through post-award and closing. Because PAVIR's IDC rate is calculated based on the actual cost of each research dollar spent, PAVIR's full IDC grants essentially subsidize the low IDC grants. This is why the PAVIR Board of Director approved an updated policy on the acceptance of funds, which now requires that PIs who are planning to to submit proposals with Indirect Cost (IDC) rates of less than 15% must notify the PAVIR Director of Sponsored Research no later than four (4) weeks prior to the submission deadline. Depending on circumstances, the PAVIR CEO, in collaboration with the Director of Sponsored Research, will determine which requests for submission must be forwarded to the Board of Directors for determination of whether or not to proceed with the submission through PAVIR.
PAVIR PI Eligibility and Transfer of Funds or Equipment
With regard to the transfer of active sponsored awards to another academic or nonprofit institution: For NIH funded studies, if the new organization is approved by NIH to continue the grant activity, then PAVIR will relinquish the grant and any equipment purchased with grant funds that is still needed for the grant project. Such equipment will be transferred to the new grantee organization, which would assume title.
Administrative Accounts for Indirect Costs
The funds in administrative accounts for indirect costs must now be expended by March 31 of the subsequent fiscal year of receipt (three months prior to the previous deadline of June 30). Carry over beyond that time must be well justified and approved in advance by the PAVIR Chief Financial Officer/Chief Operating Officer or Chief Executive Officer.
Seasonal Influenza Program Participation Mandated by VHA
Beginning September 26, 2017, VHA implemented directive 1192. This directive requires all employees, full- or part-time, intermittent, and volunteers, to make one of the following choices:
1. Receive a flu shot through Occupational Health Service (OHS)
2. Receive a flu shot at another location. Employees who receive their vaccine as a patient, including those who receive vaccinations as a Veteran patient through VA, will still need to inform OHS of your vaccination and provide acceptable documentation. (Acceptable documentation includes a signed record of immunization from a health care provider or pharmacy, or a copy of medical records documenting the vaccination.)
3. Decline the flu shot. Regardless of the reason for declining you will need to wear a surgical mask while on VA property from December 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018
All employees need to inform Occupational Health of one of the above choices by November 30th, 2017 in order to be compliant with this Directive. A Talent Management System (TMS) program is being developed to assist you in reporting this information. All employees, including those who have already received a flu shot, should complete the TMS portion to assure the notification is recorded. Failure to notify OHS by November 30th may result in disciplinary measures.
For those required to wear a mask, masks will be made available to all staff in all areas of the facility as this covers both clinical and non-clinical staff. Thank you all for your service and your willingness to help us meet the intent of this directive.
401(k) Contribution Limits Are Increasing for 2018
The IRS just announced an increase to the annual contribution limits for 401(k) plans. The new limits for 2018 are as follows:
- $18,500 - for workers under the age of 50
- $24,500 - for workers aged 50+
Upcoming Holidays

PAVIR follows the federal holiday schedule, so please mark your calendars with the following upcoming holidays:
• Friday, November 10, 2017 – Veterans Day
• Thursday, November 23, 2017 – Thanksgiving Day
The PAVIR administrative office will be closed on these dates.
Daylight Savings Time
The end of daylight savings time is fast approaching. On Sunday, November 5, clocks will be turned back one hour.