Our First Employee Newsletter
We are happy to publish our first PAVIR employee newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter is to let you know about HR and other operational updates and to share information regarding the research in our PI community. We are also planning to create a PI-specific newsletter in the near future. We welcome ideas for improvement. Give us your feedback at info@pavir.org.
Updated Electronic Device Form
Request for Electronic Devices
PAVIR requires this form when ordering computers and other electronic devices. This form will not in itself initiate an order; rather it provides the necessary backup documentation to go with the Purchase Requisition. Check out the new form at: http://pavir.net/forms/documents/ElectronicDevices_001.pdf
Highlight Your Team’s Successes
Celebrate creativity and innovation! Do you have a success story you’d like to share? Please send your suggestions to info@pavir.org for inclusion in our next newsletter.
Congratulations to Brian Zabel, Ph.D.
Dr. Zabel has received recognition on the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) website for research funded by the U.S. Department of Defense Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Research Program (MSRP). Dr. Zabel tested the hypothesis that blocking the interaction between chemerin and its receptor will inhibit immune cell migration to the brain and might prove useful for the treatment of MS.
HR News
Independence Day Holiday
PAVIR follows the Federal holiday schedule and this year, the Independence Day holiday will be observed on FRIDAY, July 3rd. Please obtain approval from your supervisor in advance if you plan on taking additional time off. The PAVIR Administration office will be closed on this day.
Vacation and Sick Leave Balances on Pay Statements
Employees eligible for vacation and sick leave will now see their balances reflected on their semi-monthly pay statements on ADP WorkForceNow. Please contact HR at hr@pavir.org if you have any questions.
New Sick Leave Policy for Part-Time and Temporary Employees
Effective July 1, 2015 part-time and temporary employees who work more than 30 days in a calendar year will become eligible to accumulate sick leave, per California law. Please refer the PAVIR Employee Handbook, which is posted on ADP WorkforceNow, for more information.
Updated Notice to Employees for Non-Exempt Employees
Due to the new California sick leave law, we have distributed an updated “Notice to Employee” to all employees in non-exempt positions to provide additional information regarding this updated policy. Please review and return a signed copy of your updated Notice to Employee form to PAVIR HR.
How are WOC Badges Extended?
All PAVIR employees are required to hold an active WOC appointment and badge to perform research in conjunction with the VA. VA Research Administration tracks appointment and badge expiration dates and works with VA HR to request extensions.
Employees must stay current with their required trainings and may need to provide updated work authorization documentation in order to initiate the badge extension process. If you have any questions about your WOC appointment or badge, please contact Tina Gonzales in VA Research Administration at tina.gonzales@va.gov.
Opportunity Funds
In April PAVIR announced to the Principal Investigator Community the availability of funds to support researchers' infrastructure and general operation expenses.
The Opportunity Fund Review group met earlier this month and evaluated 123 requests submitted by 45 investigators, some which included additional collaborators. The estimated value of all requests was $304,841.
The quality of submissions was high, with more than 90% relating to pilot studies, professional development and memberships, IT-related purchases, and small equipment. In total, the committee approved $199,756 of the submitted requests.

As previously announced, we informed all applicants by the end of May. By now, the initial orders have been received and placed. If your group has received an award, but you are not sure how to place your orders, please contact KLynam@pavir.org. We are delighted we have these Opportunity Funds to share with our research community and want to be sure that you benefit as early as possible.